The yellow umbrella represents Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s signature symbol. “More” by Susan Giles / Photo by Brooke Hummer
More – by Susan Giles
The yellow umbrella represents Amy Krause Rosenthal
Concrete, steel and art glass / 11′ x 11′ x 12′
Location: Lincoln Park / Intersection of N Stockton Dr & W Fullerton Ave

The yellow umbrella represents Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s signature symbol. “More” by Susan Giles / Photo by Brooke Hummer.
The yellow umbrella represents Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s signature symbol in the spirit of one of her projects, “The Beckoning of Lovely.” The art contains the word “more” which represents her spirit for life, always wanting so much from and giving to her community. The glass is hand painted and includes images of yellow flowers photographed from actual blossoms in these Lincoln park gardens.
This piece of public art invites viewers to come together to reflect, contemplate, discover, and engage in dialogue and interactions with one another.
Check out who is Amy Krouse Rosenthal on website..

Installation of More

Installation of More

Installation of More

Jason Brian Rosenthal and Susan Giles at the Installaion

Installation of More

Installation of More

Installation of More

Fabrication of More
