Pneuma – by Barbara Cooper
Wood and Perforated stainless steel
45′ long x 13′ wide x 3′ high
Location: ProMedica Hospital Generations Tower, Toledo, Ohio.




Pneuma – by Barbara Cooper
Wood and Perforated stainless steel
45′ long x 13′ wide x 3′ high
Location: ProMedica Hospital Generations Tower, Toledo, Ohio.
Circuit – by Barbara Cooper
Wood and Perforated stainless steel / 18’W x 7’H x 8’D
Metal components by Vector
Location: Hindsdale Public Library, Hinsdale, Florida.
Photo by Eileen Ryan Studio
Barbara Cooper and Derick Malkemus
Circuit – by Barbara Cooper
Circuit by Barbara Cooper
Circuit by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Installed: 2013.
Location: Florida Gulf Coast University Library, Fort Meyers, Florida.
Wood, metal / Approximate dimensions: 36’ long x 12’ high x 8’ long
Ecotone is a place where two different habitats meet. While it has some of the characteristics of each bordering community, certain plant species not found in either appear. The influence of the two bordering communities on each other is known as the “edge effect” and it is where much wildlife activity occurs. The library at the nexus of the university is a place where different areas of study meet, overlap, and generate new ideas and energies beyond the confines of the individual disciplines that it supports.
ECOTONE – by Barbara Cooper
Installed at
Photo Credit: Ed Chapelle
Ecotone is the work of Barbara Cooper.
The sculpture was produced at her studio.
Ecotone – being fabricated at Barbara Cooper’s studio
I had the immense pleasure of visiting Barbara Cooper Studio and see the work-in-progress. Here is a post on my day-trip to Barbara Cooper Studio.. click here..
ECOTONE and Vector Fabricating
Vector fabricated the custom hardware and suspension system for Ecotone.
The sculpture was also finish coated at Vector.
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper [Derick Malkemus at Vector Fabricating]
Barbara Cooper Studio.. click here..
My day trip to Barbara Cooper Studio.. click here..
Transitions – by Barbara Cooper
2009 / Riveted brass and stainless-steel sheeting
Location: CTA Station: Paulina [Brown Line].
Commissioned under the CTA Arts-in-Transit program, where CTA stands for Chicago Transit Authority.
The CTA website describes..
Transitions comprises a suspended sculpture and a mosaic, which form an artistic dialogue.
“Transitions is intended to mirror the fluid, ephemeral, high-energy cellular neighborhoods of the city and the connections and intersections between them, which public transportation facilitates…[it] references not only passage to different physical places, but also to other states of being and points in time.”
—Barbara Cooper