Spiral – by Clement Meadmore
Spiral – by Clement Meadmore [1971]
Location: Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park.. click here..
Spiral was restored at Vector in 2010-11.
[It was originally fabricated at the Lippincott Foundry of North Haven, Connecticut].

Spiral – by Clement Meadmore, in Vector yard
Statement by Vector
The restoration of Clement Meadmore’s sculpture “Spiral” was especially gratifying for several reasons. The artists that work at Vector and performed the restoration admire and respect the sculpture of Clement Meadmore. And Lippincott Inc., the company that originally fabricated the sculpture in 1971, was a model for the founders of Vector Custom Fabricating, Inc.. It was also interesting to work with a Corten fabrication and discover how it had weathered over 40 years outdoors.

Seth Goddard with Spiral [at Vector].