Mr. Big Beetle Finds His Way – by Janet Austin
Welded steel, stainless steel & concrete with Glass Mosaic / 5′ x 9′ x 4″
Janet Austin made the Beetle.
Vector fabricated the stainless steel leaf and stem and the steel base.

Mr. Big Beetle Finds His Way – by Janet Austin
Welded steel, stainless steel & concrete with Glass Mosaic / 5′ x 9′ x 4″
Janet Austin made the Beetle.
Vector fabricated the stainless steel leaf and stem and the steel base.
Echo – by Bruce White
Steel and Stainless steel
34 feet H x 26 feet W
Location: 13th street Marshalltown, Iowa
Engineering, drawing and structural steel interior by Vector; Stainless steel exterior by Bruce White.
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
Unveiled: May 26, 2015
Location: John Hancock Center – south lobby – Chestnut Street entrance
Commissioned by HEARN, a Chicago-based real estate investment firm.
Concept: Lucent accurately map the stars that can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere from earth with naked eye.
Description: Semi-spherical sculpture made of stainless steel, glass and fiber optic wires.
There is a mirrored ceiling above, creating an illusion of a complete sphere,
and a reflective pool below, giving a sense of infinity.
2015: Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
“Lucent”, commissioned by The Hearn Company in 2015, derives its name from the Latin word “lucere” meaning ‘to glow or shine’. Created by Internationally renowned sculptor Wolfgang Buttress, the artwork depicts the 3106 brightest starts in the Northern Hemisphere. Simple and elegant, Lucent measures 14’ in diameter, is fiber optically illuminated, and appears to pulsate as a hand-painted color wheel spins in front of the hidden light source. Through distillation and the integration of engineering and artistry, this Buttress piece arrives at an almost essential form: light, delicate, yet strong. A sense of infinity is implied by the double reflection of water and mirror polished steel.
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress / Image courtesy Susan Aurinko
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress / Image courtesy Susan Aurinko
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
Lucent – by Wolfgang Buttress
2014: Amplifiers – by Nicole Beck
Amplifiers – by Nicole Beck
Dedicated: October 10, 2014
Location: Electrical and Computer Engineering [ECE] building at the University of Illinois.
306 N Wright St Urbana, IL 61801, at the entrance from the quad side of the building.
Description: 18′ x 12′ x 6′/ Stainless steel, dichroic glass, RGB LEDs, granite.
Commission by Capital Development Board of Illinois Art-In-Architecture program.
2014: Amplifiers – by Nicole Beck
2014: Amplifiers – by Nicole Beck
2014: Amplifiers – by Nicole Beck
The shape of the windows of the sculptures mimic the light emission pulses from two electrons oscillating along the axis of a LED.
For more on the Opening Reception, click here..
Making a huge sculpture like this needs a lot of collaboration as well. Stainless steel fabrication by Vector Custom Fabricating. Dichroic glass by Kaiser von Roenn Studios, Tallahassee, Florida; Philips Colorkinetics Programmable RGB LEDs programmed by ECE Junior Brady Salz & Troy Fujimara of Lightswitch, Rigging & Site Installations by Pat Mcdonald and Nash Crane, Granite bases by Eric Lindsey and John Basile, Chicago Heights, electrical wiring & installation by Renewables Specialists Trang Donovan and proposal renders by Christopher Tedin.
Above video by Bon Bon Films, Inc.
Sculptor Nicole Beck collaborated with Vector in structural engineering, creating CADs and fabrication of the sculptures and the dichroic glass.
Amplifiers by Nicole Beck
Amplifiers by Nicole Beck
Amplifiers by Nicole Beck
Cosmic Dancer – by Terrence Karpowicz
Steel pipes and polymer
Location: Domaine Forgot Sculpture Park, Quebec, Canada.
Athelete Series: Using industrial roll metal tubing, Karpowicz creates anthropomorphic gestures that resemble athlete in motion.
Athlete Series http://www.vectortheartoffabricating.com/portfolio-view/athlete-series-by-terrence-karpowicz/
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Steel and Wood
Seven Thousand Cords [After Beuys] by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle is a contemporary response to Joseph Beuys’s renowned social sculpture/ecological project 7000 Oaks, composed of seven cords of wood as distinct sculptural elements. For more, read the SAIC website entry, “A Lived Practise”.. click here..
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
The above image shows Manglano-Ovalle’s sculpture, entitled “Seven Thousand Cords (after Beuys), 2014 – ongoing” exhibited in the north lawn of the Farnsworth House, Plano, IL. The piece incorporates wood from the Farnsworth House property.
The installation at Farnsworth House was part of “Architecture + Art: Inspiration Amplified”; a collaboration between the National Trust for Historic Preservation and United States Artists to create a public program for the Chicago Architecture Biennial. The program is the presentation of works by two United States Artists Fellows that have been inspired by the Farnsworth House and its landscape. The two artists are Mary Ellen Childs, a musical composer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, a sculptor based in Evanston, Illinois.
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle / exhibited at Sullivan Gallery
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
2014: Seven Thousand Cords – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Three Graces- by Neil Goodman
Bronze Casting by Wager Foundry
Assembly at Vector / Patina by Neil Goodman
2014: Three Graces – by Neil Goodman
2014: Three Graces – by Neil Goodman
2014: Three Graces – by Neil Goodman..
2014: Three Graces – by Neil Goodman
2014: Three Graces – by Neil Goodman.
2013: Weather Field NO I – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Weather Field No. I – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Installed: 2013
013: Weather Field No. I – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle.
FABRICATION – Weather Field No 1
Fabrication – Weather Field No: I
Fabrication – Base for Weather Field No: I.
Fabrication: Base for Weather Field No: I.
INSTALLATION of Weather Field No I.
Installation – Weather Field No: I.
Installation – Weather Field No: I
Installation – Weather Field No: I
2013; Weather Field No: I – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
2013; Weather Field No: I – by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Installed: 2013.
Location: Florida Gulf Coast University Library, Fort Meyers, Florida.
Wood, metal / Approximate dimensions: 36’ long x 12’ high x 8’ long
Ecotone is a place where two different habitats meet. While it has some of the characteristics of each bordering community, certain plant species not found in either appear. The influence of the two bordering communities on each other is known as the “edge effect” and it is where much wildlife activity occurs. The library at the nexus of the university is a place where different areas of study meet, overlap, and generate new ideas and energies beyond the confines of the individual disciplines that it supports.
ECOTONE – by Barbara Cooper
Installed at
Photo Credit: Ed Chapelle
Ecotone is the work of Barbara Cooper.
The sculpture was produced at her studio.
Ecotone – being fabricated at Barbara Cooper’s studio
I had the immense pleasure of visiting Barbara Cooper Studio and see the work-in-progress. Here is a post on my day-trip to Barbara Cooper Studio.. click here..
ECOTONE and Vector Fabricating
Vector fabricated the custom hardware and suspension system for Ecotone.
The sculpture was also finish coated at Vector.
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper
Ecotone – by Barbara Cooper [Derick Malkemus at Vector Fabricating]
Barbara Cooper Studio.. click here..
My day trip to Barbara Cooper Studio.. click here..
Metal Lotus – by Terrence Karpowicz
Installed: Sep 25, 2013.
Location: 360 W. Hubbard Street.
Commissioned by the Habitat Company in conjunction with Hubbard Place Development
Installation of Lotus
On a beautiful autumn day, Set 25, 2013, Lotus was installed at 360 W. Hubbard Street. Vector Fabricating was closely involved with the installation process. For installation images.. . click here..
Here is a photo Documentation of the different Stages of fabrication of Lotus..
Fabrication of Metal Lotus – by Terry Karpowicz
August, 2013
July 2013
Fitting the 12″ Pipes – Derick Malkemus
June 2013
Fitting the Sections – Barry Hehemann & Derick Malkemus
June 2013
April 2013
Steel Pipes being Rolled at Chicago Metal Rolled Products [CMRP].. click here..
March 2013
3-D rendering by Seth Goddard
3-D rendering by Seth Goddard
3-D rendering by Seth Goddard
Rendering by Ceyda Akosman [March 2013]